Senin, 06 April 2009

Curiculum Vitae

Nama : Revina Febriyanti

Tempat Tgl/Lahir: Surabaya, 09 Februari 1987

Agama : Islam

Status : Belum menikah (single )

Alamat : Baranangsiang Indah Blok S2 No.3-5 BOGOR TIMUR
RT. 010 RW.005

Telephone : home +6251 347 565
mobile +6281 7490 3131

Email :

Pendidikan : - The London School of Public Relation 2006-2010
- SMA Negeri 7 Surabaya 2003-2005
- SMP GIKI 1 Surabaya 2000- 2003

Pengalaman Organisasi:

ADSA The London School of Public Relations Jakarta 2006
LSPR radio

- Microsoft Word
- Microsoft Power Point
- Microsoft Excell

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